Thursday, July 30, 2009

Move Update...

We've eaten out every single meal for almost a week. It's not feeling so glamourous anymore, but I cannot find my kitchen under all the boxes so it'll have to do.

Last night we ate at the Front Street Bistro, which has a new dinner menu! We eat brunch there so often (I actually ordered take-out lunch there yesterday, too) that I was excited when I saw the new entree selections. Most of the choices were very Italian inspired, the one exception that comes to mind is the 1/2lb burger. Mr. C had shrimp scampi with pistacio breadcrumbs and fresh tomatos over angel hair (yum!) and I had rigatoni bolognese, made with braised veal, beef, and in-season veggies, finished with a touch of cream and shaved parm. It was TO. DIE. FOR. The leftovers are my lunch today and I'm so excited that I keep popping open the take out container and stealing a cold noodle. Mmmmm... So definitely give them a try sometime if you're wondering where to eat in WH Center. The place is quiet and the service is great--though we've had the same waitress a number of times and she's always fabulous.

I'm not sure what's on tap for tonight, though I think it would be great to take advantage of Hartford Restaurant Week. Great food from great restaurants at a great price. Gotta love it.

In regard to moving: it's still painful and tedious. The weather is horrifying, just as late July/early August should be, so we're always sweaty and grouchy. I'm definitely looking forward to finding my shower curtain hooks so that I don't have to sop up water from the floor after each spin in the new tub, which by the way, has AMAZING water pressure--a wonderful and pleasant surprise. There's still drama with the cats--yes that's plural (refer to this for reference) because the ex-roomie has some serious responsibility issues, and I love that little feline oh so much. I sense a custody battle in the near future.

Other than that, we're slowly plugging away and trying to get the house in order. I hope to have pictures of a decorated house and my first home cooked meal (yay!) just as soon as time permits.


Alayne said...

so you catnapped the kitty?

Jenni said...

I am in the same place! We just moved and are still living out of boxes! EEK! I hate it...but we can't unpack until we refinish the floors...sigh....

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